I drove 4 hours over to Ben Franklin, Texas to participate with the KG5VK team for the 2022 ARRL November Sweepstakes SSB.

There were several firsts for me in this trip: First time to operate from the NTX section. First time to operate a Flex radio, a 6600. First time to operate with Steve KG5VK since he moved from Louisiana to Texas. Check our score on 3830.

It was windy, cold, and the ground was muddy, so I didn’t spend much time outdoors. I didn’t take any photos of the station either. I must be slacking. But Steve did take a picture of me operating!

W5WZ operating at KG5VK during 2022 ARRL November Sweepstakes SSB


This past weekend (Thursday, March 3 to Monday, March 7) was a road trip of 2,200 miles. I drove up to K8AZ for my 9th time as a guest operator for a major DX SSB contest.

As always, I thoroughly enjoy being with Tom and the ‘AZ Crew. Tom has built a fantastic station, and every time I go, there has been an improvement since my previous visit.

During the drive home, I was reflecting on these trips to K8AZ and how many other hams I’ve enjoyed the camaraderie with while there. I’ve shared shack time with 21 hams at the ‘AZ station: AA8OY K3LA K3LEA K8AAV K8AZ K8BL K8MR K8NZ K8RR KE3X N5OT N8AA N8TR ND8L W3YQ W5WZ W8CAR W8WTS W8WWV WB8K WT8C. Lots of fun and memories!

All of the scores are posted on, just use the search in the top right of the 3830 page.

W5WZ and N5OT at K8AZ

2020 July NAQP RTTY – An apparent 1st place M/2

                North American QSO Party, RTTY - July

Call: W5WZ
Operator(s): W5WZ WM5H
Station: W5WZ

Class: M/2 LP
Operating Time (hrs): 12


Band QSOs Mults

80: 151 38
40: 312 53
20: 429 53*
15: 178 38

10: 11 8

Total: 1081 190 Total Score = 205,390

Club: Louisiana Contest Club



And a good time was had by all. 12 hours B.I.C. We had trouble with the
SixPack with 15, 20, and 40 meters. Had to coax jump around the SixPack to use
15 and 40 on the right radio. No time to fix during the contest!

Thanks to all for the QSOs, and especially all the >3 band QSOs.

73, Scott

2020 IARU HF Championship

IARU HF World Championship – 2020

Call: W5EA
Operator(s): W5WZ WM5H K5UZ
Station: W5WZ

Class: M/S HP
Operating Time (hrs): 19


Band CW Qs Ph Qs Zones HQ Mults

160: 12 0 5 2
80: 65 0 14 10
40: 418 0 32 39
20: 474 722 36 39
15: 185 0 15 18

10: 0 0 0 0

Total: 1154 722 102 108 Total Score = 1,219,260

Club: Louisiana Contest Club


With high anticipation, regular ops W5WZ and WM5H had prepared the W5WZ station
for a serious Multi-Single effort for this contest, with full ability for
in-band S&P at full power using EA4TX interlock. A portable tower set up
700 feet west of the main tower, with KT-34XA at 60 feet, an 80-meter dipole at
55 feet, and 40-meter dipole at 45 feet provided sufficient antenna separation.
First-time guest Dave K5UZ joined the team for the effort.

As always the food was excellent, the station performed well – except the air
conditioning – in the 100 degree heat and Louisiana humiditiy it couldn’t keep
up with the ops and 3 amplifiers.

Thanks to all for the QSOs!
–Scott, W5WZ

ARRL Field Day – 2020

Call: W5WZ
Operator(s): W5WZ WM5H
Station: W5WZ

Class: 2E LP
Operating Time (hrs): 19:37


Band CW Qs Ph Qs

80: 94 0
40: 318 15
20: 791 3
15: 711 172
10: 172 125

Total: 2086 315 2401 Total Score = 8,974

CQWW WPX Contest, SSB – 2020

Call: W5WZ
Operator(s): W5WZ
Station: W5WZ

Class: SO(A)SB20 HP
Operating Time (hrs): 6

 Band  QSOs
   20: 764
Total:  764  Prefixes = 353  Total Score = 386,182

Club: Louisiana Contest Club


Weather was so nice, spent as much time outside as possible.  Made good progress
on preparations for my new 80 meter 4-square, soon to be installed.

With the stay-at-home order in place, I felt guilty spending time away from my
family in the evenings, so went inside with them.


Call: W5WZ
Operator(s): W5WZ WM5H K5OF K1DW KA5M
Station: W5WZ

Class: M/2 HP
QTH: LA – Louisiana
Operating Time (hrs): 45:42


Band QSOs Mults

160: 35 32
80: 163 70
40: 298 84
20: 753 107
15: 214 55

10: 4 4

Total: 1467 352 Total Score = 1,500,576

Club: Louisiana Contest Club


Several “firsts” for the W5WZ station and team for this contest.

First time for Ed, K5OF to join the W5WZ team, flying in from North Carolina.
It was good to have him on the team.

K5OF at Run1, and W5WZ at Run2

First time for Dallas, K1DW to guest op at W5WZ; he operated from his home in
Texas, by remote controlling one of the K3’s at W5WZ.

First DX contest since expanding the beverage receive antenna farm.

First contest since moving the 80-meter dipole from 77 to 105 feet.
First contest with the EA4TX interlock installed, allowing easy Run/S&P on a
single band.

Marsh KA5M also drove in from Shreveport (100 miles) on Sunday.

Special thanks to Sharon KW5MOM for the pot of gumbo and the pot of chili; Bobby
for the usual spread of deli meats and breads; Ed for pre-contest dinner on
Thursday night.

WM5H at Run1

As usual, too much food AND lots of fun!

–73, Scott W5WZ

January 2020 NAQP SSB

Band QSOs Mults
160: 104 36
80: 320 50
40: 573 55
20: 658 52
15: 106 25
10: 0 0
Total: 1761 218 Total Score 383,898

Since last weekend\’s NAQP CW, all the shack Window 7 computers were replaced with Window 10 computers. Added a single Logitech wireless keyboard/mouse – discovered that RF causes problems with – putting both computers in a F1 voice keyer loop. During the 15 meter run in the 2nd hour of the contest, something in the RF path failed, sending the SWR very high, prematurely ending our work on 15 meters. No other problems. Me and Bobby both stayed in the seat.

Our best performance to date in an NAQP!

Thanks for the QSOs, and thanks for those that accepted our invite to move to other bands.

2020 Jan NAQP CW M/2

Call: W5WZ
Operator(s): W5WZ WM5H
Station: W5WZ

Class: M/2 LP
Operating Time (hrs): 12
Location: LA

Band    QSOs    Mults
160:    181    43
80:    289    53
40:    301    56
20:    311    57
15:    72    22
10:    0    0
Total:    1154    231    Total Score    266,574

2019-CQ WW SSB @ K8AZ

I made my 7th trip to Chesterland, Ohio to the fantastic station of Tom, K8AZ for the 2019-CQ WW SSB contest. Yes, it is a long drive – 16 hours or so. But the camaraderie with the gang makes it all the better!

As usual, I spend some time on Friday helping Tom with various maintenance, repairs, or installations of new items. This trip was no exception. Many hands do indeed make light work!

Tom takes a pre-contest walk around the antenna farm. This time, we found the rope supporting the SW element of the 80-meter transmit 4-square had broken, and the result was a rope tangled up in the elements of several yagis on a rotating tower.

In waning day light, we worked to free the rope from the tower such that the 80-m antenna would be usable. The rotating tower is 15 and 20 meters, so we parked it toward Africa for the night. Once the rope was free, we managed to get it positioned such that the 80-m antenna functioned for the overnight operating period.

The next morning, it was raining. The forecast called for increasing winds throughout the day and into the night. K8AZ and I ventured with bow and arrow to get a string over the appropriate tree. First challenge was using a sling blade to clear walking paths and work areas in the raspberry thicket, then cross a creek to find the loose end of the rope. Second challenge was to place the string. First shot success! Then pulled a larger string, and at last the final rope. With the antenna repaired, back to the house for shower and then operating time again.

Near sunset on Sunday night, suddenly 80-meter 4-square SWR went really high. Upon inspection, we found the NE element had broken loose from the feed point. Hauled a ladder out and worked beyond sunset to complete the repair with 20 minutes left in the contest.

Highlights of this contest: seeing my friends K8AZ, K8NZ, W8CAR, WT8C, AA8OY, K8RR, W8WWV, K8BL; riding in and driving a dual motor Tesla Model 3; meeting KE3X and talking contest strategy; and working CN3A on 160m with my own call!

CQ Magazine included this blog post in their official post-contest writeup!