116 feet of Rohn 55G. Guyed for 90 MPH winds at 115, 77, and 38 feet to guy posts set 96 feet from the base of the tower. Guy wires are Phillystan, with 20 feet of EHS to attach to the guy posts. All guy wires are attached to the tower using Rohn GA55D guy brackets. The mast is 23.5 feet of 2″ o.d. x .25″ wall 1026DOM tubing. M2 Orion 2800 rotator
Antenna on Tower #1
(2) Force 12 C51XR @ 118′ rotating and 52′ fixed to Europe
(1) Force 12 C31XR @ 85′ rotating on TIC Ring 1022E
80 meter wire dipole at 75 feet as inverted vee
160 meter wire dipole at 105 feet as inverted vee
160 meter Inverted-L 75′ high 100′ wide with radial field of 40 radials, 125 ft long.
(3) Stack Match by Array Solutions for 3-antenna stacks on 10, 15, & 20
(1) Stack Match by Array Solutions for 2-antenna stacks on 40
Fed via 6 runs of 1/2″ hardline to tower base, then JefaTech LMR400 equivalent up the tower.
This tower is shunt fed for 80 meters, resonant at 3.620. Radial field of 40 buried radials, 125 ft long.