W5WZ was QRV as PJ2/W5WZ from March 21 to March 28, 2023.
I finally got to be on the DX end of ham radio operating from the island of Curaçao. It was a great trip. Wonderful. Relaxing. Beautiful. Incredible radio conditions. New friends. Great food.
Central to the trip was a contest at PJ2T. The team, having never met previous to this, competed in the CQ WPX SSB contest as a multi-operator, multi-transmitter entry. Our score is currently an apparent 3rd place in the world finish for that category. A great team – AC7DC, AD7XG, KC7EFP, N5BR, N7NR, N7WA, WØCG, W5WZ, WA7CPA, WM5H.

Here is a YouTube of W5WZ operating as PJ2T on 10 meters during 2023 CQ WPX SSB