2010 CQ WW SSB — Hosted first ever true multi-multi effort in a DX contest. What an experience! With lots of help and a great team of operators (W5WZ, KG5VK, KC4WWL, AA5LA, W5PEM, KA5M, W5DAY, K5SL), we pulled off an effort that I am very proud of. Comparing to 2009 results, our raw score would be #10 Multi-Operator Multi-Transmitter United States! We watched GETSCORES.ORG, and tracked our performance neck and neck with NE3F (2009 8th place MM USA)
Band QSOs Pts Cty ZN
1.8 29 32 8 6
3.5 156 349 60 22
7 408 719 75 27
14 595 1423 110 36
21 634 1700 119 33
28 181 500 33 13
Total 2003 4723 405 137
Score: 2,559,866
For the contest, we borrowed the local ARES groups (thanks W5KGT) portable crank-up tower and mounted a M2-34XA at 50 feet. We improvised a 4th operating position, and using some uniquely creative methods were able to switch antennas around and remote control rotators and antenna stack switching (by voice, handy talkie method to reach other room!).

Lessons learned:
- Full legal limit on every band is a must if the rules allow it!
- Better transmit and receive antenna is needed on 40, 80, and 160.
- Beverage receive antenna are great – must install more and make each independently selectable at every station.
- Noise cancelling headsets are great (thanks KG5VK!). I’ve got to get some!
- Everyone needs to become even more proficient at N1MM.
- Every rig needs 1.8kHz filters in the narrow position.