Late June — My ICE 419B bandpass filter on my 2nd radio failed (unknown to me) while running QRO on 10 meters on the 1st. The consequence – blown receiver in the 2nd radio (FT-1000MP). Sent it for repairs to Byron Campbell WA4GEG. Moved the IC-756P2 to position 1, and am in process of aquiring parts to repair ICE unit. For now, am only running single radio.
06/13/10 — With help from W5KGT and K5ER, we got the TIC ring at 85 feet completed and the antenna (C31XR) installed. Now I need to dress the coax and install the rotor cable up to it. W5KGT and I went up the tower around 7 pm. I witnessed my first sunset from up a tower. It wasn’t too bad being on the tower after sunset; in fact, I rather liked the temperature as compared to daytime.
06/05/10 — Installed my new LP-100A from N8LP. Spent some time cleaning the shack. Replaced a few old coax jumpers with new, and spent most of the day making some QSOs. Worked E4X on 20m SSB.